Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Day Before

My thing yesterday went like it was supposed to go:
I went in.
I spoke with the receptionist.
I was handed lots of paperwork.
I filled out papers.
I sat and waited.
I listened to an orientation thing that said exactly what on of the papers said.
I sat and waited.
I spoke with a person.
I set up an appointment (But he called it something else, like it's not a full blow appointment, yet. Evaluation? No, I don't think that's right.) for next Monday afternoon.


geewits said...

A pre-appointment? How strange. I guess they all really need those co-payments.

Jazz said...

Geez, by the time you actually get an appointment whatever it is will have killed you...

choochoo said...

I've spent forever sitting and waiting today, too. Drank loads of cocoa. Made myself sick.

ticknart said...

Geewits -- Yeah, something like that. I don't quite understand what's going on.

Jazz -- I sure hope not.

Choochoo -- The waiting wasn't that long. It was stupid, but not long.