Thursday, October 04, 2007

In Which I Made a Phone Call

Opened my e-mail yesterday morning and found a letter from Geewits there. Basically, she said she was meeting Jazz for dinner and I should give a call because "[t]hat would be funny." She gave me her cell number and the time I should call, too.

Immediately my heart started trying to push it's way out of my chest and my stomach was threatening to feed me my breakfast again. Could I do something like this? Could I call someone I only know through blog posts and then be handed off to someone else who I haven't met? Some weeks I have a huge problem trying to walk into the laundromat even though I know my socks are so hard I could hammer nails with them. I make it through that door, though. Still laundry has nothing to do with actual people.

I wrote back two words: "I'll try." On a bit of paper, I wrote Geewits's number and stuffed it in my pocket.

And then I did my best not to think about it the rest of the day. Didn't work. Every so often I'd see my phone out of the corner of my eye or it'd ring and my heart would try to claw its way into my throat.

I made it through the day. I bought comics and when I got back to my apartment, I started cooking dinner (stuffed bell peppers).

As the time to call approached, my heart beat harder, my stomach flopped over, and my palms started sweating.

At the given time, I picked up the phone and stared at it.

I put the phone down.

I picked it up again and dialed and hoped that no one would pick up and I'd just leave a message.

Someone picked up. It was Geewits. I heard her hand the phone to Jazz telling her it was me.

And we spoke for a few minutes.

I don't remember much of what was said. I remember mostly thinking of what should I say that wouldn't kill the conversation. I tried not to panic during those pauses, which were her taking a sip of wine. I felt like a buffoon.

I did it, though. I called.

And when my peppers started boiling over there was a real reason to let her get on with her merriment.

I wish I had waited for Geewits, though, since this semi-stalking thing was her idea.


geewits said...

Well if it was that tough then you should be VERY proud of yourself. And no one bit you. I LOVE your last line. That made me laugh. And we were glad you called. Our husbands were all, "Who's this guy?" Semi-stalked us AND made our husbands jealous!

Anonymous said...

Tom looks like your brother...which one? I'm guessing the youngest one? Or no, I can't really tell.


Anonymous said...

Good for you ticknart! :-D

ticknart said...

Geewits -- I made your husbands jealous? Really? Do they know they can read your blogs, too?