Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Death and Slavery

Yesterday was Columbus Day. The day a few of us celebrate the first southern Europeans crossing the Atlantic to enslave and kill the people who had been living there already to take trinkets back to a monarch who was hoping for silk and opium, but was okay with what she got.

Of course, most of the people around here choose to forget the death and slavery and focus on the guy who "discovered" an island that was already populated and then go on to "discover" a continent that already had people living there as well as failed European colonies.

Personally, I'm just in it for the day off.

Not that I did anything to celebrate. I boiled the hell out of a chicken carcass so I can make soup tonight, or tomorrow night, whenever I get to it.

Today, I started boxing files, again. I don't mind boxing, really. It gets me away from my desk for most of the day and away from lawyer, too. I get to listen to myPod and sing along to the songs I like, under my breath. (Listened to Queen's "Somebody to Love" three times in a row. It's odd picturing Anne Hathaway sing while hearing Freddie Mercury's voice, though.)

Tomorrow, more boxing. Same for the day after that.


geewits said...

I always liked anything that got me out of the office. Pick some fun upbeat songs to listen to.

heels said...

It's an utterly worthless holiday to me as I don't even get the day off. Stupid Columbus.

Why do you picture Anne Hathaway?

ticknart said...

Geewits -- Out of the office is always good. The soup was, too.

Heels -- It's just the state and banks. I also get César Chávez Day off. The best thing about working for the state, but I'd rather they had different names.

First of all, picturing Anne Hathaway is always a nice thing, but the reason this song is connected to her is because of Ella Enchanted. It's not a great movie, but there's a scene where Ella is told to sing and she sings "Someone to Love." In the middle of a kids movie! I probably watched that scene four or five times.

Anonymous said...

You just watched that scene because of Anne.

I get tomorrow off from school thanks to Columbus. :-D

ticknart said...

Hey, Moooo, that song is also freakin' amazing!

Anonymous said...

It really is, isn't it? I thought it was well done.

Jazz said...

It was Thanksgiving in Canada, where we celebrate giving smallpox and other assorted illnesses to the natives.

So, it was pretty much the same thing, eh?

Jazz said...

'Cept we get the day off.