Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's 4:48 and I Need a Topic

Is it a cry for help?

I thought I had something to write about earlier, but work got in the way of me starting and then I realized that there wouldn't be enough time for me to put down enough of what I wanted to.

Oh, where is a meme when I need one for the quick post.

Did you know that there is a character who really reminds me of me in the "Song of Ice and Fire" books?
There is. I won't tell you who, though. Feel free to guess, though.
I know that, by the end of the series, he'll have grown in ways that I never expect to grow. That's fiction for you.

Have I ever written about the next Star Trek movie since I outlined what I'd like to see?
I don't think I have. Let's just say I'm really, really uncertain about it, especially since I read that this guy is going to play McCoy. *sigh* Somehow I don't think this McCoy will be nearly as down home crotchety as Deforest Kelly was.
Maybe this movie'll surprise me. I'll be going into it with lower expectations that I did with Nemesis, and I like enough of that movie.
Still TOS wasn't the Trek I grew up with, and maybe that will help me better ignore all the glaring continuity errors. Maybe not.

And now it's 4:55, time to shut down and pack up.


geewits said...

Well if you don't like him, the good news is, he's not official as of today's IMDB listings. My favorite Trek is TNG, but I think I'll really like this prequel. Here's a fun topic for you. Describe a "perfect day" from the time you wake up until you go to bed. What would your "perfect day" consist of?

Anonymous said...

If Dr Mcoy was 'down-home' crotchety because he was old, who knows what type of a mad-man he may have been in his youth; war famine, fatigue, oh Dr Mcoy...! Hold on, was he even 50 in the original series?

...There may be no excuse...

ticknart said...

Geewits -- Well, according to The Hollywood Reporter, he's in. I'm still going to hope for Trek goodness from this movie. I promise.

And, while I like TNG a lot, DS9 is my favorite series.

AE -- The way Kelly played McCoy suggested that McCoy was always a healer. McCoy didn't like the idea of war and battle, he thought everyone in the galaxy was stupid for not working together to heal the sick and feed the hungry.

Over on the post I mentioned, you wrote, "This is the type of Star Trek movie I want to see."
Me, too! (HA!) I'd really love it if Paramount gave the long time fans, we who loved TNG and DS9 and suffered through the bad TNG movies and Voyager's crappy seasons and all of Enterprise (maybe with the exception of the Borg episode and the Dark Universe episodes, though), a movie that acknowledges the years of continuity instead of brushing it aside. That's probably not the best way for them to make a shit load of money, is it?