Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Why I'd Like My Own Office, With a Door

First GICS told me about how TMSV in the office got an e-mail that said she won £5,000,000 in the British Lottery. I congratulated her and said that was like $10,000,000. She said cool.

Then GICS wanted to talk about exchange rates. He wanted to know how the dollar is holding to th euro. I told him I have no idea. He ignored me though. He went on about the euro and how it's like stealing from the the USA and the Chinese are even worse.

"Aren't they ruining the dollar?" he asked.

I told him what I know, that there was a problem between the US and China because China was using the dollar to help support their money, but that I wasn't an economist and didn't really understand what was going on and if it was helping the dollar to go bust against the rest of the world's money.

Somehow, BBNG moved the conversation into the trade gap between China and the US and how China is using all the money it makes from the US to support the rest of the world while trying to bring down the economy here.

I stopped speaking and started focusing on my computer at that point. Sure, I'm not doing any work, but it makes it so the focus isn't aimed anywhere near my direction.

Of course the next thing brought up, by either BBNG or GICS, was the problems with so much of the merchandise coming from China in recent months: lead paint, poison tooth paste, and dead dogs (WTF?).

That some how segued into how global warming is a total myth. And why does GICS say that global warming is a myth? Because science hasn't been around that long.

Allow me to reiterate that, like he did many times, so it can sink in: Global warming is a myth, it isn't happening, because science hasn't been around very long.

The worst thing was that BBNG was trying to defend global warming but he really didn't know how. He was stunned. He just sort of muttered stuff about carbon and the natural cycle moving faster than it should. To which GICS brought up the Little Ice Age. He didn't use it for any sort of argument that I could hear, he just brought it up and started talking about it.

About that time BBNG left for his break and GICS went quiet.


Jazz said...

Geez, just reading this makes me want an office with a door...

geewits said...

Having to hear ignorant people voice their opinions is one of the worst aspects of being a live human. No wonder I'm a sort of hermit. Hey I'm having dinner with Jazz Wednesday night. You should call my cell phone to say "Hi!"

ticknart said...

Jazz -- Feel good about being in Texas, more than 1500 miles from this insanity.

Geewits -- I think the worst is when those people don't even want to hear any counter arguments. As if only one opinion exists. People wallowing in stupidity bothers me.