Thursday, October 18, 2007

"Perfect Day"

In yesterday's post, I sort of asked for topics and Geewits wrote: "Here's a fun topic for you. Describe a 'perfect day' from the time you wake up until you go to bed. What would your 'perfect day' consist of?"

I'm going to start this with telling everyone that this week may not be the best week for imagining a "perfect day." I sort of had an over thinking weekend which sent me into a period of doubt and loathing that I have yet to slither my way out of. On the plus side, the only "perfect day" I can come up with seems pretty realistic. If I got up and put some real effort into my life, that is.

Perfect Day:

I'd wake up sometime after ten, not because an alarm is going off or there's a noise outside or I have to pee really bad, but because my body just decides that I'm rested enough.
I'd kiss the woman in bed with me, then head off to the bathroom.
From there, to the kitchen for breakfast, something easy -- cereal, yogurt, frozen corn dogs, leftover spaghetti, whatever -- and some book readin' or TV watchin'.
After that a shower and when we're both ready we'd go out we head to a museum or a movie or a matinée at little repertory.
When we're done, we'd go out to an early dinner somewhere out of the way that's a little dingy place with food that's quite delicious.
Back home we'd watch TV and read and talk until we want to go to bed where we'd have that special sort of sex that's full of passion, but is sort of slow, so the temperature within rises and then cool off a little before it rises again, higher than before, and it happens again and again until the pleasure we feel is almost painful, and when la petite mort happens, it really feels that way.
And in each other's arms, we sleep.

There is what today's "perfect day" would be.


Jazz said...

Funny isn't how "perfect" days don't really seem like something special at first glance.

ticknart said...

I don't know, the whole having somebody I love who I also get to have sex with seems pretty damn special to me.

geewits said...

Man you are easy to please! You weren't even in a fancy hotel in an exotic location. When the right woman comes along she's certainly going to have an easy job. And apparently she doesn't even have to be a good cook.

ticknart said...

Geewits -- That was yesterday. Today, I'm more in the mood to be on a beach where the sand is small grained and pure white and where the ocean is clear as glass up close, but when it gets deep it's the color of sapphires.

And I like to cook, so whoever I end up with doesn't have to.