Thursday, July 05, 2007


I was in a really good mood today. One of those rare moods where I want to make the people around me smile so we all feel better. It all came about because I'm trying something new, for me, here. It's the next post, in fact. I like it. I like the idea. And I'm hoping that the few who visit will enjoy what I'm trying to do. I've been thinking about this for more than a month and it felt really good to have accomplished something that I set out to do.

Also, I was going to go to Cowtown for the weekend. I have an interview on Tuesday. I was going to take Monday off from work to make the weekend a long one. So, I was going to spend four days there with nothing that I have to do. I could lounge. Plans were being made. I was going to visit Heels and Johnny Logic and their son and watch a movie or two and shoot the breeze because they were much more involved in the wedding than I was and we didn't visit much. My mom and I were going to drag my dad to the movies for a double feature (we were only going to pay for one, though) of Transformers and Ratatouille. My grandma's celebrating her birthday on Monday. The cousin from Washington who couldn't make it down for Easter (her two sisters were there) is visiting. And I was going to get my hair cut at a place that I like.

I found out about the interview when I got to my apartment Monday evening. Tuesday I asked for the two days off and JSIC signed off on them, wishing me luck for this interview. Just after lunch, he grabbed me and asked me to come into his office. He said that Monday the 9th we have a very important meeting that none of us can miss. (The office is actually being closed down for it.) He told me that I couldn't miss Monday unless I was sick and got a prescription from my doctor saying I shouldn't be at work. He said he couldn't give me the day off.

And that just ruined my good mood. I mean, I felt like I was hit in the stomach.

He told me that I could leave after the meeting on Monday. He thinks it'll be over about three.

I don't think it'll be over that early.

If I get up to the Cowtown area early enough, I'm going to swing by the grandparent's place and wish a happy birthday to my grandma and say hey to my cousin.

I haven't done much work since I was told I couldn't have my long weekend. I've mostly surfed the interknobs for information on a couple of things that I'd really like to do. I'm going to try to start one of them this weekend. Most of the rest will really have to wait until I own some land, or am at least living in a real house instead of an apartment.

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