Friday, July 06, 2007

If It's Broke, Fix It?

When I was in happy mode yesterday, I was planning on writing about Sicko, which I saw on Wednesday. When happy mood when away, I didn't want to write about it so much.

I still don't want to write about it.

The main thing the movie made me was sad. I don't like the idea of people not being able to get the help they need in places far from where I live. In places near where I do, it's even worse.

Mister Moore suggests, in the movie, that the people of the US don't do anything about it because we are all so in debt. A woman gets out of college tens of thousands (or more) in debt. The smart she goes to work and starts paying that debt, but realizes that she needs health insurance. She uses the plan provided by the job she found. She's not happy there and would like to leave, but she's heard stories about people who didn't have insurance who got sick. They just thought it was the flu, but it wouldn't go away. When the sick person finally goes to the hospital, it turns out this person has pneumonia and has to stay in the hospital for a few day. This person without insurance is later given a bill for tens of thousands of dollars that this person can't afford. And our smart young woman doesn't want to end up like this person. She wants to be out of debt, so she's scared to leave the job, she's scared to speak up, she scared to do anything but what keeps her working because she doesn't want to lose what little she has. And nothing changes for the better.

But what can we do about it?

I don't know because I want to get out of debt. And, although, I'd like things to be better, I don't want anything to get worse.

How about you?


Queenie said...

Move to Canada?


Jazz said...

LOL... The Canadian health care system is fucked too, don't look to Canada for solutions, despite what Michael Moore might say.

Anonymous said...

Let's just agree that the USA has NO clue whereas Canada has at least taken the hint. My job blows but the others I've found offer no insurance which means the $4.50 extra per hour I've been offered goes straight to the HMO, no dental. BAH!!!!

ticknart said...

Q -- It's been a thought, since before I got this job, but it's so very far away from here.

Jazz -- That was one of the problems with the movie, everyone Moore interviewed shared his opinions. Still, what are the odds that in Canada a person with lukemia will be denied a bone marrow transplant because it's still too experimental?

AE -- And that is why we keep our jobs even when we'd be happier somewhere else.