Friday, August 13, 2004


I'm testing to see if I can post into the future.

If all goes well, this'll be posted as I'm driving away from Cowcity to Cowtown. Which way I'll be going, I don't know. That'll depend on how hungry I am because one way has many more choices for food type places than the other way.

When I get in my car and change out of the coffee stank shirt into the one on the front seat, I'll be amazed that even though it's 90ish degrees, probably over 100 in the car, at how nice it is to put a warm shirt on. I'll swap my shoes for sandals, and my car will grumble away (it doesn't roar).

If all does not go well, this'll be posted tonight, right after the tale of The Wraith. I'm sort of looking forward to seeing if The Manager will need to speak with my about that paper I filled out tomorrow (or today, depending on if this works).

In any case, it's just another useless post contributing to the title of this page.

I'm sure I'll let you know about what happened at work soon.

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