Tuesday, August 17, 2004


The Manager came into work, looked at me, smiled a big Manager smile, and said, "Hi." to me. This was disappointing to me. I was all ready to make reasonable requests and maybe do some OWGAWE bashing. (OWGAWE was actually early this morning! Last Friday, I overheard a conversation between her and The Manager, and The Manager had suggested that OWGAWE should be demoted since OWGAWE doesn't fulfill shift supervisor duties. I'm guessing that OWGAWE is trying to make a good impression to keep her position. If I were a betting man, I'd set up a betting pool at work about the day she'll start being late again.)

Mornings are starting to get busy again, which means there's so much work that I don't really have time to think, just do. Maybe it's all my thinking recently that makes the job seem so horrible. Do you think that's possible?

School started, for me, today. I think my class will be cool, but one day is hardly time enough to judge. My biggest problem is that we're going to use a stylus and tablet. In the past, I've had problems using a stylus. Keep your fingers crossed for me and my work.

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