Friday, April 13, 2007


This morning SUSM said, "[ticknart], I think I'll let you do the mail this afternoon." Like it was some sort of a treat. Something that I've been begging her to allow me to do for months. I promise, I haven't been asking. In fact, for a while I had to ask to be allowed to do the mail less because it was becoming assumed that when the regular mail person was gone that I was just going to get up and do it, which I hated.

In other news, I don't really have any news.

Let's see, what were the highlights of the week:
Tuesday: Installed Windows XP Professional after reformatting hard drive.
Wednesday: Installed XSI, again, and I couldn't get the license so the dongle would work. (I also e-mailed their tech support, again and they got back to me today asking for my registration number, which I'll send to them when I get back tonight and then I'll have to wait until next Tuesday for a response. *sigh*)
Thursady: Bought comics, but decided to finish reading Dead Until Dark instead the the comics. (Except I did read 52 because I like to read the 5.2 interviews over at Newsarama.)

I can't really think of what I did on Monday, which means I probably didn't do much. Tonight, I was going to go to see a movie, but my allergies have flared and I'm not feeling so well right now.

The weekend is to be composed of laundry and shopping.

I was wondering what it would be like to dance naked on a beach in the south pacific under the full moon.

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