Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Lunch Time

I sat on my usual bench at lunch time reading The Long, Dark Tea-Time of the Soul when I head a voice coming from behind asking, "What book you readin'?"

I looked up and turned around. It was some guy, maybe eighteen, maybe younger. "What?" I asked.

"What's the book?" he asked, walking toward.

"It's a Douglas Adams book," I said because I figured that if he knew who Douglas Adams was he'd understand the limited choices and then pleasantly surprised that it wasn't a Hitchhiker book.

"Who wrote it?" he asked, almost on top of me.

"Douglas Adams wrote it."

"What's the title?" He leaned over my shoulder as I stuck my thumb in the book and turned it so he could see the cover. There was another guy off to my right coming closer.

"The--," I said.

"The. Long. Dark. Tea..." he read off the cover. "What's it about?"

"It's about this detective and Thor and lots of craziness," I said.

"Any good?" he asked.

"It's--," I said.

"Do you have a dollar?" asked his friend, who had stopped a few steps away from the bench.

"Nope," I said, "I just have me and my book here." I sort of waved the book toward him.

"'Cause I really need a dollar," said the friend.

"Sorry, it's just--," I said.

"Are you gay?" asked the first guy.

I turned to really look at him. He looked Hispanic, short hair (probably a buzz at one time), a pooched out stomach, and one front tooth that was at least a quarter of an inch shorter than the other. And I was wondered, was he propositioning me?

"Not," I said, smiling at him, "to the best of my knowledge."

"So," he crinkled his forehead, "you like girls?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Good," he said, "you keep that up. But work on you voice."

I gave him my best what-the-fuck-are-you-talking-about look as he started to walk away.

"If you don't make it more manly," he said, from farther away, "people might think you're queer."

"Oooooo-kaaaaay," I said as I rolled my eyes and turned away to start reading my book again.

"Look into that," he called back.


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, that's it! It is all in the voice!
Real brainiacs there.

choochoo said...

you should have given him a sad look and told him that it was a book on how to deal with having some horrible, or something. That would probably send most idiots running.

ticknart said...

the moooooo, That's what I was thinking.

Choochoo, Actually, knowing that someone doesn't know who Douglas Adams is tells me alot more than their reaction to me telling them I have chlamydia or something.

Jazz said...

They don't know Douglas ADAMS!!!!

Brainiacs indeed! Pfft.

Oh, and remember that amazing must read book? The Gaiman/Pratchett one? I FORGOT IT IN WASHINGTON!!!!

My cousin's supposed to mail it to me but I'm in witdrawal now...

ticknart said...

Jazz, that's what I thought!

And as for the book, I'll tell you all about it:
After the part where you stopped reading, stuff happens. Some funny. I remember laughing.
Eventually the book ends and you'll close it up and put it on a shelf. Unless you borrowed from somewhere, in which case you'll return it.