Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Hell?

Last night (or early this morning), I dreamed that I had to rally people together to save their civilization. I went around giving grandiose speeches trying to get their blood pumping and get down to work. They weren't really into it. One person started to yell at me that if the work was so important, why wasn't I doing it.

So, I climbed the wall of the mine I was speaking in. I climbed past the ancient machinery still used for refining. I climbed past the rusted pipes that brought water down into the mines. I climbed until I was hundreds of feet above the crowd and there was an alcove in the wall.

In the alcove, I began digging until I found what I needed... a slab of freshly ground beef.

I threw the slab of beef down into the crowd below and yelled out that I was willing to work; were they? And I picked up another slab and threw it down.

People started scaling the walls. Others stayed on the ground and put the beef into the machines. Ground beef began raining down in the mine. The woman who had climbed up into my alcove pulled me close.

I woke up.


Queenie said...

I dreamt about Chinese people.
And I never have before.


ticknart said...

I'm got to say, though, that dreaming about Chinese people make more sense than dreaming about ground beef mines. At least Chinese people exist.

Jazz said...

Um... good thing you woke up...

ticknart said...

I don't know, I'm sort of curious to know what the ground beef was for.

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm curious to know if the woman who pulled you close was cute or not.

Oh, and I would like to know how the ground beef was going to save civilization.