Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Erratic Thoughts, Again :-)

What time is it? 4:30, and I still haven't started a "real" post for the day.

There's been something weird about today. Every time I've looked up at the calendar above my desk to figure out the date, I've been surprised that it's Wednesday and not Friday. My body and my brain are pretty well convinced that today is Friday and that tomorrow I should be able to "sleep in" until eight. It's unfortunate that I can't do that, though. I still have to get up and get to work by eight.

I realized this morning that maybe I shouldn't bother trying to leave comments on any blogs anymore. I came to this realization when it occurred to me that on every blog I read that had a new post when I got to work this morning and allows comments, I wrote a comment, typed in the obnoxious security letters, and promptly left the page without posting. I've been doing this sort of a thing, well, for years, but this is the first time I didn't post any of them. I wonder why this is.

Is it okay that I used an emoticon in the title? I don't really like the things, but for some reason it seems to make the title of this post a bit more whimsical. Or maybe it's all the Pep-O-Mint Lifesavers I've eaten this afternoon.

You know that song "Witchy Woman"? I think The Eagles sing it. Yeah? I hate it. I didn't always hate it, but I do now. The guy who sits across from me plays it at least three times a day. Not loudly, but it just loud enough that that I can hear the chorus. And I can't stand it. It sucks. It should be destroyed before it had a chance to be created. It may ruin a good Seinfeld gag, but I can live with that. There were plenty of good episodes before that one.
"I can't stand it!" I like it!
It's like a guarantee.
My new philosophy.
And things are sure to be a whole lot brighter
"Oh, yeah? That's what you think!"
"Why are you telling me?"
And now it's time to go.


otis said...

I feel the same way about the Eagles as the Dude does.

ticknart said...

I don't really hate the Eagles, just that song.