Friday, January 26, 2007

Today Was Another Day

I have yet to do any work today. I've been here for almost two hours. I really don't want to do anything. I mean, why bother. If I do the work that I have now, I'll be finished by two, at the latest. By then, I'll be given more work that if I start doing I'll get a large portion finished by the time I leave this evening, which means Monday morning, I'll have less to do then and everyone will be here and take it upon themselves to find me work to do that I normally wouldn't have to do, like taking the bag from the shredder that's too full of paper and put half in a new bag, trying not to spill the shredded paper all over the floor, and taking the two bags downstairs and trying to find someone who can tell me where to put the bags and then be told it's not my job to take the bags downstairs and I should have left them up in the office to be picked up by the maintenance guy (although I won't understand why they call him a maintenance guy when all he does is clean stuff up, shouldn't he be called a janitor, that's what he does, after all) and when I ask if I should just take the stuff back upstairs I'll get an eye roll and a huge sigh and the bags taken from me and then as I ride the elevator back up I'll remember that I didn't put a bag into the shredder and I'll get back to the machine I find that some jackass closed the door without checking to see if there was a bag and after I open the door the shreddings go all over the place and I'll sigh and I'll pick up the paper bits and put them in the bag which I'll put in the shredder before going back to my desk to be given more work that I normally wouldn't have to do.

And now it's around 10:30. I've been playing that game I wrote about the other day. Honestly, it's not that great of a game after playing it for a couple of weeks, but it's a good distraction from all the stuff that I'm supposed to be doing right now.

I keep thinking that I should have called in sick today, but what good would that have done me. I'd just be sitting at my apartment in my underwear watching Star Trek. What a waste of a sick day. A sick day should be used when you're actually sick or when you're going to be doing something interesting. Like go to an amusement park or friends are visiting or sex is being had all day long or all three at the same time. Not to sit and watch TV.

About 366 days ago, things looked a little better. I described them as, "Right now my outlook is bright and bleak, sunny and stormy, half-full and half-empty; you choose the metaphor."

And then there's the fog here. I'm one of the few people I know who likes fog, but the fog here is weird. In the morning, as I walk to work, the fog is really high up. Visibility on the ground is nearly perfect. When I get to work and look out the windows on the fourth floor, the visibility is still nearly perfect, this is at 8 AM. By 10AM, the fog, from the fourth floor, is so think I can barely see the parking garage across the street. I don't know what it's like at ground level because I'm, usually, working. Around 11 AM sunlight starts streaming through. At noon, when I go on lunch, it's clear out. I miss the farmland fog that just seeps out of the ground and then sits there all day long.

I got a call last Thursday after four from one of the places I sent off to saying I was interested in an interview. The lady on the other end asked me if I could be in Cowcity for an interview the next morning at eight. I told her that it was too far away and not enough time to ask for the next morning off. She said don't worry about getting the morning off because they may not actually get to the interview until the afternoon. I said I was sorry, but couldn't make it because it was such a long drive and I needed notice to get the time off. She said not to worry because they have plenty of other candidates.


choochoo said...

Hmm... Whenever I start something, I think "this'll be interesting". But then it turns out not to be. I'm starting to doubt that there is such a thing as "interesting". I think it might be something that the travel agencies made up. Like valentines were made up by greeting card companies.

I'm bored.

ticknart said...

That, Choochoo, is why I don't seem to start anything.