Tuesday, January 30, 2007


...been singing a jumble of RENT songs in my head. I can't complete them, they're all garbled together. Bits from "La Vie Boheme," " Tune Up," "Seasons Of Love," "Tango: Maureen," "Over the Moon," and "One Song Glory"; there are probably others in there that I just don't know the titles of and I don't really want to look them up. It's a mess in there.

...been thinking about the newest Wonder Woman comic series and how disappointing it's been for me. Other than a brief infatuation with the old TV series when it was show on FX, way back in the day, I've never really gotten Wonder Woman. I like the idea of her, I think, but I just don't get the way she's used out there. Maybe it's just me, but I think that the idea or Wonder Woman should be stronger than the woman in the tights and I don't think the latest series is doing that. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe it's going well and I just don't understand.

...been keeping up with my work, mostly. I have a pile that I need to put back to the proper files. It's not a huge pile like I put back last week, which had stuff in it from the middle of December, but it's getting larger than I'd like it. I got a huge load today because one and a half people were missing and, for some stupid reason, when anyone, who isn't me, is gone for the day they don't get work. They're supposed to here tomorrow (although I'm not expecting one to show up), so why don't they get any work?

...been trying to ignore the subtle racism toward people of Mexican descent I hear around here. There's nothing overtly racist said, but one of the people here likes to hint that certain sterotypes about people of Mexican descent are true for all. Maybe I should be glad that she's not teaching kindergarten, which is what I used to think she should be doing with her life.

...been reading the first Sword of Truth book, Wizard's First Rule, here at work for the past two weeks. It's not great, but there's something hypnotic about it. I'm not sure what it is. One thing, though, I don't think the actual Sword of Truth should be called the Sword of Truth because the sword isn't about Truth, it's about truth or perceived truth. Truth, with the capital "t," should be objective and remain uninfluenced by anyone. The truth the sword deals with in the book, though, is the truth that the bearer of the sword sees. That bugs me. I suppose, though, that calling the series Sword of Perception would limit the sales quite a bit.


choochoo said...

oooooooh, I'm reading that, too. I'm about 2/3rds into it now, I'm such a slow reader, the other third'll probably take forever. Does your book have that pic of the writer with the long hair and the scary face? That made me laugh. I wonder if that's how he intended it...

Jazz said...

2 things:

1. How can half a person be missing (and seeing you tales of work woes, I'm not sure I up to knowing the answer).

2. Sword of Perception... yeah that would knock down sales. I actually made it through the first 8 and apparently there's two more out. The truth is obviously neverending. It seems to be going the way of Jordan's Wheel of Time series.

ticknart said...

Choochoo, Mine does not have a picture of the author in it, but I'm not surprised that's the way he looked.

Jazz, 1. The half a person was here for half a day and then went home sick. While she was here all she did was complain about a sore throat. If half of her had stayed home, my day would have been much more interesting.

2. Yeah, but so far I like Jordan's neverending fantacy saga better.

Anonymous said...

I think I actually prefer "Sword of Perception". But then, I'm weird, just ask Sean